God Has A Sick Sense of Humor

No, really, he does!  I promise!  Between funky looking veggies & fruit, and other oddities in nature, surely this can’t be coincidence.  Cucumbers are one thing.  What washed up on the shore of a California coast has me convinced that I’ve truly heard it all. Continue reading

Too Many Secrets

You may be wondering where this title came from, and why I’m using it.  It stinks that it needs to be used, because talent should be shared.  Not hidden.  But that’s alright, because there are so many platforms to save things on, it would take an army to have everything removed. Continue reading

I Was Not Expecting This

An avid horror/thriller fan is usually quick to recognize how a film is going to work out.  My husband is one of those people who easily predicts what happens.  But he’s not a horror fan, so I’m left to watch by myself.  I prefer it that way.

The last time I watched a thriller with him, he knew who the bad guy was, and I was pissed.

It takes a decent twisted film to catch and hold my interest lately.  My ADD (I was never officially diagnosed, but I suspect) keeps preventing me from going further than 10 minutes in anything lately.  It’s annoying, and I just want to sit and be scared shitless for a couple of hours.

Repeats aren’t really an option, because you know what’s going to happen.  But yesterday, I sat down and randomly selected Gehenna – Where Death Lives on Netflix.  I was immediately glued, simply because of the opening scenes.

Because my brain is so scattered lately, I never would’ve suspected the ending I just watched.  And if you’re confused, it took me two days to watch it because I’ve been busy.

If you’re a horror fan, check it out.