About Mamacita

My love for music is considered slightly obsessive. I love it, and my favorite artists more than life itself. Writing and photography fight for a close 2nd place. Me? Meh. I'm managing. But I've been slacking. Time to get back to life, though. Baby steps.....

It’s Time

After long, hard consideration, back and forth conversations about this, I regret to inform you -my lovely followers – that this blog will be retired.

Don’t worry! I will leave my content here this time. However, time restrictions prevent me from upkeep.

Due to serious circumstances, it is currently more important to concentrate on health, and appreciating life. There’s a saying “hug your loved ones”. … It’s true.

One never knows when certain ‘life things’ suddenly come along, and spins your world so ferociously, it makes you dizzy enough to question your own life.

I’d like to thank all who have left comments, followed, and liked my content. It has been an interesting adventure.

Take care and stay safe, folks.

Inside My Own Head

I’ve been busy, but I haven’t.  Don’t ya love it?  I do!  Isn’t that what life is all about?  Yes and no at the same time?  Generally speaking of course.  But I’ve been busy … busy thinking about what I’m going to paint next, or what I want to sell, or if I want to actually leave my house to actually go look for things to sell.  It’s exhausting, yet exhilarating. Continue reading

People Can And DO Change

This is a positive, open letter to Jeffree Star, Shane Dawson, Tati Westbrook, and MANY other YouTubers who have been under negative scrutiny.  Not just the beauty community.  Things need to be said, and it’s certain many others feel the same.  Cancel culture needs to stop.  It’s useless and pointless. Continue reading