People Can And DO Change

This is a positive, open letter to Jeffree Star, Shane Dawson, Tati Westbrook, and MANY other YouTubers who have been under negative scrutiny.  Not just the beauty community.  Things need to be said, and it’s certain many others feel the same.  Cancel culture needs to stop.  It’s useless and pointless. Continue reading

Too Many Secrets

You may be wondering where this title came from, and why I’m using it.  It stinks that it needs to be used, because talent should be shared.  Not hidden.  But that’s alright, because there are so many platforms to save things on, it would take an army to have everything removed. Continue reading

Aye Aye!

That should technically be II, but the average reader wouldn’t understand.

My two favorite internet personalities kicked off their Interactive Introverts tour a few days ago. Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr are exploding with spoilerinos.  If you’re not a fan of spoilers, don’t you dare search that tag.  You might have a meltdown of sorts.  Especially if you’re a demon phannie.

And since each show is supposedly different, who knows what they have up their sleeves?

Somehow, I just knew months in advance, that Dan would be playing the piano for us.  I get those ‘prediction’ feelings sometimes.  I cannot wait to see in it person.  Dan at the piano is my ‘aesthetic’.  Playing the piano is one of Dan’s passions, and I love him for that fact alone.  I can totally see him becoming the leader of a new YouTube movement – performing his own originals on the piano.  Could music possibly be the next major trend for aspiring YouTubers?  We will see…

If you really need spoilers, then by all means, stalk that iispoilers tag.  But I don’t recommend it if you’re planning to attend a show or three.  Spoilers ruin the surprise!

Meanwhile, Dan and Phil are busy giving the people what they want, whilst regularly updating their Instagram stories.  Those are fun, and they make them even more fun!

See you soon, boys!


Soundgasm … Was This A Previous Title?

Jesus H…

I’ve been listening to ASMR for a little over year now, and just today, one of the few ASMRtists I subscribe to has managed to make my pupils dilate, along with giving me MAJOR tingles – a rarity for me because of my extensive hearing loss.

Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. T ASMR

He is awesome!

All you pervs, get your minds out of the gutter. Sometimes ASMR can provoke some mild sexual arousal, but that’s really not what ASMR is all about, regardless of the countless YouTube channels out there that sexualize it.

The 3D sound of ASMR provokes a rather unusual response within the brain, creating a feeling similar to goosebumps along the back of your skull, and sometimes down your spine.

Quite literally, a tingle. NOT SEXUAL!!! So stop it right now.

ASMR is a mini euphoria of sorts. In the correct setting, it is thoroughly relaxing, and often induces such a relaxed state, it puts most listeners to sleep – which is what many listeners are seeking, given their moderate anxiety and sleep troubles.

I can’t tell you how often I have sat in my recliner and plugged in for the sole purpose of seeking a calm, relaxing session of tingle inducing ASMR. It’s very popular, and for a very big reason: It’s relaxing, and definitely helps with easing anxiety and sleep issues.

Similar to white noise, depending on individual preference and what helps them, ASMR helps with achieving a decent night of rest.

I don’t know how else to describe it, so, check it out for yourself.

Some of the most popular ASMRtists are WhispersRed, ASMR Darling, ASMR Zeitgeist, ASMRMagic, and Gentle Whispering ASMR, to name just a handful, along with the gaining popularity of the slime and floam specialty subgenre of ASMR.

Slime in itself is a popular fad. But when you find the right creators who provide high quality videos and live streaming, you will be well on your way to sleeping like a log. I should know. I’m currently listening to a live slime/floam stream as I type this entry, and my eyelids are fucking fighting to stay open, even though I had a good night’s sleep last night.


Just go try it out. What’s the worst that could happen?

If certain sounds bother you, such as mouth sounds, and similar sounds, then ASMR is not for you. It will make you want to either destroy your earphones, or punch your computer screen, or both.

To Vlog Or Not To Vlog

I have a major idea for vlogging.  But, in light of recent YouTube and AdSense restrictions, I’m very hesitant.  Maybe I’ll start small, and progress to a fan sponsored site – if it ever gets to that point.  We will see.  I’m still on the fence for one main reason – which I cannot share here … or anywhere online … EVER.  But, I digress.

There is so much pressure to make virtually everything PC, sometimes I wonder if it’s even worth venturing down the road to internet fame – or even fame, period.  Not that being famous is on my list of priorities.  Aside from the financial aspect, being famous can be a horrific experience.  Also, I’m not on par with ‘popular’ opinion, unfortunately, and I realize that could hurt any possibility of making extra money via the public eye.

Even more so, I’m afraid to even get a regular job these days.  I’ll need to pre-train my brain well beforehand, so that my mouth doesn’t get me fired and/or sued for anything construed as hate, racism, sexism, etcetera.  Not that I’m a hater.  But let’s face it.  You look at someone wrong these days, or even smile (it seems), and you are sued for something.

And that’s my rant for the day!  I’m off for a nice hour of relaxation – and a much needed adjustment.